Before being a college student, especially being interested in fashion.. I was of course a "shopaholic". Every payday was spent on new clothes, accessories, shoes, etc. I love shopping no matter what, but with being a student in college shopping isn't easy to shop every friday anymore. That is why I look at shopping at inexpensive stores now to keep updated with the latest trends... but still have an affordable wardrobe. The transition was tough, but now after a lot of practice with keeping my eye open I have somewhat become a pro at finding new outfits! My top 3 favorite stores now being Forever 21, H&M,; I can shop to give myself the feeling of awarding myself for hardwork that I have been doing each week. With that said, I recommend these three stores for shopping on a budget. Forever 21: I find myself buying a lot of their tops, dresses, and accessories. H&M: I purchase a lot of business casual merchandise, accessories, and dresses as well. I was recently introduced to this website & in the time since I know own over 15 pairs of shoes from them. They have amazing sales, and price definitely meets quality! I get compliments constantely for my wardrobe, the way I complete each outfit with accessories or my shoes. So in a way all three of these stores/websites fit in together. As a put together my outfit everyday I notice that picking three stores that you love, then finding a couple things you buy from each will make the outfit more unique!
“While clothes may not make the woman,
they certainly have a strong effect on her self-confidence —
which, I believe, does make the woman."
-Mary Kay Ashe